Monthly youth leaders column

Roger Fawcett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Aug 2004
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Nothing excites a youth worker more than receiving support from unexpected quarters. It's too easy to feel that you are plugging away in isolation and no one knows or cares what is going on. So youth leaders let your leaders and parents know how they can support you. You can reproduce this in a church magazine, or put it on the notice board. Let people know the things they can do to help the leaders sleep at night.

Parents that warm a youthworker's heart...

...go the extra mile

These Christian parents go out of their way to bring other young people as well as their own. They literally go the extra mile (or six) to pick up non-Christian friends and other fringe group members, such as the children of nominal Christians. It shows their priorities are gospel ones, not self-centred. Some amazing parents may even ask who they can pick up and drop off. Youth leaders beware of issues such as insurance and police checks.

...know the agenda

These parents know that youth and children's work is much more than babysitting. When the programme changes they don't ask what they're supposed to do with their child instead of youth club. They realise that you're not there just to provide entertainment so that they can have a night off. They share with you the aims of spreading the gospel. If this is not the reality you know, why not offer parents an evening to talk about it.

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