It's a story that takes various forms, but here's the one I like.
In the 1960s the great theologian Karl Barth, at the end of his career, made a farewell tour of America where he was heard by huge audiences in the nation's leading universities. After one lecture, a student stood up and asked the world-famous theologian, 'Dr Barth, you have written a great deal on every aspect of theology and church history. Can you sum it all up in just a short sentence or two?'
There was a prolonged silence while the great man pondered and the audience began to feel embarrassed at the temerity of the question. It's said that Barth took out his pipe and slowly filled it; pressed the tobacco down; and lit it. Finally, he looked back at the questioner. 'Yes, I believe that everything I know about theology can be summed up in a single sentence. It would go something like this: "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so".'