
Tim Thornborough  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Nov 2003
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When October 31 comes and the streets fill with crowds of kids dressed as ghosts, ghouls, vampires and witches, the reaction of many Christians is to batten down the hatches and refuse to answer the door.

This is an understandable reaction. Why should we encourage and reward 'trick or treaters' for glorying in the works of the devil? And while it is a harmless bit of fun for many children, there is always a more malicious minority that the more vulnerable among us would not want to open our doors to.

And yet, Hallowe'en represents a great opportunity for us. When else does the local community come flocking to our doors, now that carol singing is passe? And what a perfect opportunity to tell the gospel to those who are flirting openly with the devil and his minions. I've tried this approach in recent years, with great results: why not give it a try this year?

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