Monthly column for youth leaders

Roger Fawcett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Oct 2003
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My wife says that I should write an article about following up on young people after the summer holidays. I can see the sense in the timing, but do we really all need reminding? Given that a lot of people are like me and need the obvious things to be spelt out on a frequent basis, I think yes.

It is always worth remembering that young people's work is really just that - working with young people. It is about individuals, not programmes or events, not our own reputation or following the latest craze. Youth leaders have the job of 'disciple-making' amongst young people. So what are the post-summer priorities?

Is there anybody out there?

Getting young people back into the habit of meeting again can be a big job at this time of year. Long holidays away from things and the sudden pressure that a new school year brings often cause the year to start with a whimper not a bang. Are they really going to be left to wander back to youth group or church by themselves? The enemy will find plenty of temptations to keep them away.

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