Monthly column on the arts

David Porter  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 2003
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The fourth series of Channel 4's 'Big Brother' was, by all accounts, a disappointment: a number of gimmicks introduced to spice up the fading annual spectacle failed to prevent a substantial drop in the expected viewing figures, despite the fact that the main tabloid interest seemed to be in whether anybody would actually have sex on screen this time.

At least, so they tell me. I saw very little of the show

It's odd how 'Big Brother' manages to put the dampers on what can be moderately entertaining TV: put a group of people in a locked house, turn the cameras on them non-stop and see how they get on with each other. Each week, have the contestants and viewers vote for the candidate they most want to be thrown out of the show, and give the survivor £70,000 and instant fame.

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