Taking a tough job

Date posted:  1 Aug 2003
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Jonathan Stephen, who for many years has pastored Carey Baptist Church in Reading, takes up the position of Director of British Evangelical Council from September. Known as a man who likes to get things done, EN asked Jonathan about what the future might hold . . .

EN: Can you remind us of the function of BEC and how it came into being?

JS: The British Evangelical Council was founded in 1952 in response to the false ecumenical movement-which was on a roll following the establishment of the World Council of Churches four years previously. Among other things, BEC was intended to provide mutual support and a representational voice for churches that wanted to affirm their fellowship in the truth of the gospel. Currently, there are 13 evangelical church groupings affiliated to BEC plus other independent congregations, making about 1,200 churches in all.

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