Monthly column for youth leaders

Roger Fawcett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Aug 2003
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Time and again I see situations in churches, which seem perfectly reasonable, but they are hiding dangerous sickness below the surface.

So I'm donning white coat and stethoscope to reveal those infections you never knew you had. But it is a risky, painful business. These diseases are highly contagious. Is there a doctor in the house?

Disease #1 - 'Baby-sitter's decay'

Perhaps Christianity is like chicken pox, you catch it by just hanging around people who have it. Wrong! Whilst the lives of Christians should attract others, non-Christians are blind to their sin and need teaching about it. A youth club that solely provides a Christian environment assuming that the members will absorb faith is flawed. It may be a friendlier and 'safer' environment but it is a disease that will drain your church's precious resources. The cure is radical surgery. Cut out the 'baby-sitting' and implant something that is gospel centred. Even if this is bad news for Christian parents who are very comfortable with their weekly night off.

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