Much prayer, much power

Peter Deyneka  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2003
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Peter Deyneka (1898-1987) was the founder of the Slavic Gospel Association. A great man of prayer, here we can read something of his experience.

As I look back upon my own Christian life, I am reminded of a few experiences out of the many hundreds of prayers that God has answered so definitely. Soon after I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour, after listening to the pastor challenge us to be soul winners, I began to specifically pray that God would lead me to some lost souls.

One summer soon after my conversion, I was working at Cedar Lake, Indiana, at the Moody Bible Conference. On a Sunday afternoon, as I was by the lake, I began talking to two young men. They were on their way to a dance club across the lake, but I told them that if they were seeking real joy they could find it in Christ. These two young fellows refused to go with me to the gospel service, but I promised them that I would pray for them while they went to the dance, that the Lord would speak to their hearts. I told them in parting that whenever they felt their need to be saved they should come to the camp and ask for Peter, the Russian, and I would be glad to see them and help them. So they went to the dance and I went to the Bible camp.

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