'That excellent society!'

Andy Banton  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jun 2003
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Recently I met a man who, five years before, had been converted to Christ after no less than 15 years as a heroin addict.

The Lord's means of his deliverance and salvation was an open-air preacher who had faithfully made Christ known outside Whitechapel Tube Station in London.

Interestingly, it was in Whitechapel one Sunday afternoon in April 1853 that a young Scottish barrister called John MacGregor, on his way to a Bible class, happened upon a man preaching in the open air. The brother in Christ was struggling to deal with a Roman Catholic heckler in the gathered crowd. A combination of a sharp mind and a warm heart meant John was ideally suited to enter the fray, which he soon did. He later wrote in his diary that he felt the hour spent conversing with the Catholic man had 'done some good'.

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