Profiting from prison

Gerard Chrispin  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2003
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We had spent a relaxed lunchtime and afternoon at our home with Arthur and Margaret (not their real names). Normally we went to see him, and spoke to Margaret later on the phone. We did stay with her once - not with him, of course - before speaking at the large prison near her home.

But Arthur was in another prison then. Would he be imprisoned again soon? His conviction had been quashed on appeal, as he had hoped for. (After all, he had foregone prison privileges rather than admit guilt for an alleged very serious crime.) Now he awaits another trial. The expected date has recently been put back for three months very soon before he was expecting it. How would you react to such uncertainty? If you are married, how would your spouse fare?

He has lost his good job, finances, friends and normality. 'No smoke without a fire!' some too easily say. But what if the fire was lit by others' criminality and if he has been burnt by their intrigue and dishonesty?'

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