Ian Stillman was released from prison in India last December following conviction on false charges. For many years Ian, deaf and disabled himself, has worked among the deaf in India. This interview is continued from last month.
JS: After Terry Waite was released from his terrible ordeal, he spoke of having received a postcard picturing John Bunyan in gaol and of how this had inspired him to carry on. Was there anything in particular that you received from a Christian source that gave you special encouragement?
IS: Receiving such a large quantity of letters from so many people was very encouraging and helped to pass the time. I couldn't always reply to individuals but many people wrote on a regular basis and I am starting to meet them now I am free. I received photos, cards, verses and psalms of encouragement. People sent all sorts of things by post. There were sweets, cup-a-soups, cereal bars, gloves, socks, small breakfast cereal packets, pictures, pens and many things which did reach me.