Two archbishops on the doctrine of revelation

Simon Vibert  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Mar 2003
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Evangelicals within the Church of England are coming to terms with the appointment of the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams.

Press statements from the main evangelical groups have expressed varying reactions, from a cautious request for further clarification of the Archbishop's views on issues such as homosexuality, to a condemnation of Dr. Williams as a 'false teacher'.

Part of the Reform press statement of December 2002 reads: 'The Council recorded its deep regret that as a result of his views and his new position of leadership within the Anglican Communion, Dr. Williams is, in the Bible's terms, a 'false teacher'. It also noted concerns about Dr Williams's published views in other areas of biblical doctrine. The Council was conscious of the imperative in Romans 16.17 to, 'Watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them'. It therefore decided that there was a requirement for those who are committed to the authority of the Bible formally to distance themselves from the new Archbishop of Canterbury and such teaching.

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