Monthly column for youth leaders

Roger Fawcett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 2003
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As I write this article the media is in the middle of the huge build up to the film The Two Towers. I have been asked by one youth group locally to give a talk based on The Lord of the Rings.

I feel like Frodo, burdened by the ring, commenting to Gandalf, the wizard, that he wished this had never happened to him. But, says Gandalf, 'So do all who live to see such times'. I would love to do a talk on The Lord of the Rings, but my problem is that while there are truisms in The Lord of the Rings (friendship, leadership, good triumphing over evil etc.), many of which would be good messages for young people, Truth is only found in the Bible.

I could spend the talk trying to draw out parallels between the Bible and The Lord of the Rings. Then I fear I would be in danger of upsetting Tolkien, were he alive. He disapproved of those who searched his books for allegories. In the midst of all my deliberation the date for the talk creeps 'Gollum-like' ever closer. Apologies if you are not an aficionado of the story. You have the joy of looking for your talk illustrations in better places. Here is what I came up with.

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