Gap-Year Globe Trotters: More kindness than we could ever repay

Jeff Wannell  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 2003
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My name is Jeff Wannell (on the right, swigging pop) and Matt Coren is my trusty travelling companion and good friend of eight years.

We met on holiday at Devon Christian Youth Camps way back in the year of '95 and our mutual love for Jesus, table tennis and fascination with 16-year-old girls (our age at the time!) meshed us a tight relationship that has stood the hardest of rigours. Now 23, having both graduated and matured, some things still remain; our faith, our passion for ping pong and travel. At the age of 16-17 we spent many a night sitting together praying and dreaming about being missionaries to far-off lands like Africa, Fiji and Ulan Bator, wherever that might have been. So, with adventure in our hearts, Matt and I set off to the far and distant lands of Plymouth and Cardiff, respectively, for college, and for at least five years the dream did not materialise, that is until now.

Circumstance has arranged it such that we have been given the time and resources to embark on a journey that takes us around the world. It is a gap year (or five months) with a difference. The difference is that we want Jesus to be the Author, Director and Navigator of it. Our dream is to visit Christian organisations and individuals the world over, to see, perceive and get involved. In return, we hope to develop and share a global mentality of what God is doing, move from our comfortable Christianity and develop a faith with real teeth.

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