A 'no' to same-sex unions

Jim Packer  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Nov 2002
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The outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury has warned that the gay issue is on the verge of splitting the Church of England. Already serious trouble has been caused among Anglicans in Canada. Here, leading evangelical theologian Jim Packer sounds a vital warning.

In June 2002, the synod of the Anglican diocese of New Westminster, in which Vancouver stands, mandated its bishop to do what he had already indicated his wish to do, namely, to authorise the production of a liturgical form for blessing same-sex unions, to be used in any parish of the diocese that requests it.

A number of synod members walked out as the most forceful way of protesting the decision; they declared themselves out of communion with the bishop and the synod, and appealed to the Archbishop of Canterbury and other Anglican primates and bishops for help. As one who walked, I have been asked why I regard this decision, with which, to be sure, I disagree, as important enough to justify the extreme action that I, with others, took. I write now to answer this question.

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