Monthly column on student work

Emma Carswell  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 2002
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1968. Pauline arrives at Southampton University to read History and Archaeology.

Her Christian contact so far has been limited to token church attendance at Easter and a local Crusader group during her teens. While not against spiritual things, she is looking forward to the independence of university, to new experiences, to living student life to the full. While unpacking, a member of the Christian Union invites her to a coffee evening in her halls of residence.

1993. Claire has exhausted all the 'Freshers' options at Birmingham University. Like most of her contemporaries, Christianity hasn't figured in her thoughts in her first few weeks as a student. Until she meets Ben. He's a member of the Christian Union. He introduces Claire to some of the girls in the CU who live in her halls.

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