What some of you were

Date posted:  1 Aug 2002
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Christopher's story

Many people in our churches struggle with a variety of sexual temptations. In this extract from a new book, we read how one young man fell and was restored...

My introduction to homosexuality came about through someone in my church. I became a Christian when I was 16, and had been attending a local church since my conversion.

An older man started attending our church. I had an instinct about this man, and it wasn't long before we both knew we were attracted to each other, and a relationship began. I knew enough to realise that, for me, Christianity and active homosexuality were not a compatible mix. I suppose there were three choices I could have made. First, I could have fought the temptation and continued with Christianity. Or I could have gone into the relationship and continued to attend church. But my choice was to leave God and to enter into what I hoped would be a lifelong, faithful relationship.

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