Time to pack those bags for the annual holiday. Whether you're going with the family, friends or joining a Christian holiday group, here are some suggestions for things to read or listen to during those precious idle hours. Make the most of them, they don't come again for another 12 months!
Oldies but goodies
The book by Jim Packer 'Among God's Giants' is one of those that other people assume you have read. Like me, it may have been one of those that you just never got round to. Recently, I did get round to it at last! And lo and behold, they were right all the time. It is one of the most stimulating and rich books that I have enjoyed in a long time.
The giants referred to are the English Puritans of the 16th and 17th centuries, and Packer, with his usual depth of insight reveals their history, spirituality and teaching, which will leave the reader longing for more. It was first published over ten years ago, but hopefully you can still pick it up for £11.99 (Kingsway).