It is interesting to reflect that the well-known story of Joseph's battle with sexual temptation in Genesis 39, occurred in his place of work. What can we learn from the attempted seduction in Potiphar's house?
A place of danger
Why can the workplace be a dangerous place sexually? Aside from the fact that these days people of both genders go out to work, there are a number of reasons why our place of employment might present a temptation.
ATMOSPHERE. Joseph (verse 1), had been taken from the promised land to Egypt. He had been taken from a place where God was known and his righteous requirements acknowledged, to a place where they were not. Sadly, it is like that for many Christians as they travel from home to work. The office knows nothing of God these days. You enter an amoral environment, where pragmatism and profit are the only rules. The idea of Bible ethics in business is frequently not only despised but seen as a positive impediment to progress. That amoral atmosphere can affect us and lower our defences. 'No one cares here, so why not?'
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church …