What can we learn from CU history?

Bob Horn  |  Features
Date posted:  1 May 2002
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The Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union (the CICCU) reached its 125th anniversary on March 9. Bob Horn, EN's former editor and recently retired as UCCF's General Secretary, was asked to speak on that occasion.

I owe a huge personal debt to God for the CICCU. Before I started at Cambridge, I was a Christian, but only half-committed and very uncertain whether I would stand for Christ.

I happened to meet the then CICCU Secretary, Derek Prime, a fortnight before term; in the nicest possible way he gave me no choice but to meet him at 1.30 pm on the first day of term at the Daily Prayer Meeting. There I found in the CICCU a bunch of amazing Christians, who helped me to find my feet, my convictions and my direction in Christ.

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