Monthly column for youth leaders

Roger Fawcett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2002
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Welcome, again, to our virtual web site, existing on paper but not on the internet. Here are some of 'My favourites'. These are resources that I have found helpful. Access the resources by underlining the title in blue, point your finger to that item and say 'click, click'. Alternatively fall back on the old-fashioned method of visiting a good Christian bookshop and talking to someone.

Games and activities

I'm sure you have experienced this problem. You buy an exciting, glossy book with some fantastic looking games in it. When you get it home and study more closely, you discover that only a very few games are practical. The rest require a disused aerodrome, several thousand pounds of resources and a contact with the ex-military. Where do you go for value-for-money ideas books?

Youth Specialties produce books that have the highest percentage of useable games, in my experience. Youth Specialties is an American organisation producing youth and children's work resources geared mainly towards programming, although they have recently produced more Bible study material (see below). Zondervan are the publishers, most Christian bookshops now stock a good range, and there's a website (of course).

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