Monthly column on hymns and songs

Christopher Idle  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Mar 2002
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Once upon a time two persons went to a big event for real born-again Christians. They both had a wonderful week. Afterwards they went back to their home church and one of them said to the pastor, 'That was a really mind-blowing scene. I've never felt so close to the Lord. I know he was dealing with me in a very deep personal way. He had a lot to sort out with me, and I've learned more about God in the last few days than for a long time past.' The minister cautiously began to say how delighted he was, but he was interrupted.

'And there's another thing - the music! We had some truly fabulous worship times. I've got one or two of the song books we used; these new songs are just fantastic. I'm not criticising, of course, but I think I should be honest and say that all this has helped me to see your church's music in a new light. I even wonder sometimes if you have even begun to worship God at all! So what I'm suggesting is that we start using some of these songs each Sunday; I'm sure if you got a group together they could lead us, and we'd see the difference straight away...'

And the other member came back home, and by a strange coincidence also wanted to see the pastor. The second conversation opened like this: 'Pastor, thank you for your prayers for all the group who went away last week. God blessed us in many ways. But one thing I specially wanted to say was...' (the pastor's heart sank), 'I don't know why, but at one evening session I suddenly realised that our church has a number of gaps in its local work. Now I'm never going to be a brilliant speaker or even a leader; but there are some things I can do, and I did just wonder if you could fit me in anywhere to plug a gap in the programme. I could even tackle something new if that's where you need me...'

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