Monthly column for youth workers

Roger Fawcett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Mar 2002
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You may have heard of things that exist virtually on the internet, but not in real life. This article is the first in a series that is the opposite. This is a virtual web site that exists on paper but not on the internet. We begin this month with some FAQs, that is, Frequently Asked Questions. However, since we are doing things slightly differently some of these questions are not asked, but should be, frequently.

1. How well do we communicate with the parents of our young people?

This question is all too frequently sidelined but worth thinking through. We must make sure we do communicate with the parents. For non-Christian parents this is a priority so that they do not think their children are off to the church to get into loads of wacky stuff. There are lots of child protection issues and worries parents have that make it imperative that we are crystal clear about what we do and our motives. We must be pro-active in offering information not reactive.

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