A theology of fun

Bill James  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Mar 2002
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Is the Christian life all hard work, service and slog? What place does recreation and fun have in the purposes of God?

The Christian life is a serious business. We are conscious that we live in the last days. Now is not the time for self-indulgent and sinful pleasures. Rather we consecrate our gifts, our money, our very lives into the service of our great King. As redeemed sinners, we confess that we are 'not our own - we have been bought at a price'.

The New Testament urges us now to 'redeem the time' (or 'make the most of every opportunity', NIV) because the days are evil. We have an urgent commission to fulfil - to serve the Lord, to make our Saviour known, to glorify God in the church and in the world. Our moments, and our money, are to be carefully stewarded to the service of our Master. Was it not Luther who stewarded every five minutes carefully to the glory of God? And was it not Wesley who scrupulously gave away his whole income except that small amount which was necessary for essentials?

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