The Christian scholar in the 21st century

Alister McGrath  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Dec 2001
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Many Christian academics long to serve God more effectively, and they see their role as scholars as offering them important strategic opportunities for service.

I have developed some thoughts on how evangelical scholars can begin to develop their ministries more effectively and this is the central theme of the important conference 'God and the Academy: Charting a Course for the New Millennium' to be held on June 21-25 2002 at the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.

Evangelicalism has always been suspicious of the academic world - and rightly so. There is much justified anxiety about the secularism, relativism and pluralism which seems to be endemic in much higher education today. Evangelicals and others have noted with growing concern the indications that the modern university seems to have more to do with elitism, ideological warfare and rampant anti-religious propaganda than with learning.

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