Godly gifts for Christmas?

John Benton  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Dec 2001
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What can you give as a Christmas present which will be both spiritual, encouraging and enjoyable?

Good question. Here are some suggestions from EN.

Operation World

Top of the list this year must come a copy of the new edition of Operation World, the comprehensive guide to global Christian mission. Picking up our news from British TV, fascinated by pictures of horror and working to a secular Western agenda, we very often have a highly distorted view of what is going on in the world.

Patrick Johnstone's work acts as a fine corrective. The opening section on world trends is worth the cost of the book on its own. It is set out to get people praying round the whole world in one year and it starts in January - so it makes a good Christmas present. £12.99, 713 pages, ISBN 1 85078 357 8. For the more booted-up Christian, there is a computer CD version (£12.99).

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