It's just a game

Phil Newcombe  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Oct 2001
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In his TV commentary BBC's John Motson said: 'It's a night to be able to say "I was there", or, at least, "I was watching".' Well, I was there in the Olympiastadion München when the England football team beat Germany 5-1 in a World Cup qualifier.

My family and I were on holiday visiting German in-laws, and, very kindly, as a birthday present to me, the men of the family had bought tickets for the big match. This meant that I would be standing among the German fans for the game, and I was not quite sure how I was going to handle that-whichever way the score went. Should I keep quiet and look glum while everyone else around me celebrated if the German team scored? Should I jump up and throw my hands in the air if England scored? Would I be inviting trouble from those around me if I did? I think my church back home were praying for me!

In the event I was actually greatly heartened by the good spirit of respect and happy banter that went on among most of the German and English supporters. As we went in to the match from the suburbs on the train it was great to see young lads wearing their soccer shirts, and the older fans from both countries cheerfully joking with one another.

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