Asking Americans

Josh Moody  |  Features  |  Letter from America
Date posted:  1 Aug 2001
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There is a certain on-going friendly rivalry between Canada and America. One instance of this is the continuing disagreement between the two countries over who won the last war they fought against each other in the 19th century. Americans are taught that they did. Canadians know they did.

Another instance of this friendly rivalry is a radio show in Canada called Asking Americans. In this show, a radio reporter travels down to America and asks Americans various spoof questions. These questions are designed to expose Americans as being woefully ignorant of what is going on in the world outside their national boundaries.

In one broadcast an eminent professor at a well-known university was asked what the Canadian government should do about the plague of polar bears running riot through Toronto. Toronto is the financial capital of Canada, is thousands miles south of polar-bear country, and hasn't seen a polar bear outside a zoo. But the American professor seriously answered the question, giving sage advice about how the Toronto civil government should not stand for these polar bears.

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