Monthly column for youth leaders

Roger Fawcett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2001
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The appetite of this youth worker is certainly part of his reputation. But my appetite runs to more than food. I have a healthy appetite for fresh air. I love to be outside, preferably doing something active and exciting.

It was this appetite that led to two jobs working in Christian outdoor centres. Sharing the gospel with young people is what these centres are about. Their speciality is building relationships with the young through outdoor pursuits. Rather than coming in cold to an evening meeting, first of all they can chat about the day, laugh about who fell in when kayaking, re-live the extreme climbing!

With summer here it is the rationale that these centres operate under that I want to put to you. By sharing experiences like these with our young people we build friendships. This helps the gospel grow, makes the Bible study easier and aids discipleship. The apostle Paul told the Thessalonians that he had 'lived among them for their sake'. He did this so that they could become 'imitators of himself and of the Lord.' (1 Thessalonians 1). He knew that building friendships with the people he met helped authenticate and spread the gospel.

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