Ian Fry has recently been appointed full time director of the Youth & Children's Ministry Course at Oak Hill College. He takes up his new job in April. With the disruptive behaviour of many young people in our society often in the headlines, the church's outreach to the young is crucial. EN was able to ask Ian a few questions.
EN: What is good and what is bad about the youth work you see in churches at present?
IF: There are many good things. Many churches do recognise the value of children and young people, as is witnessed by the growing trend towards employing full time workers to serve in this area. Historically, the number of movements set up to work among children and young people bears testimony to the importance Christians have placed on them down the years and that has not changed.
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church members …