Worshipping in Paris

Paul Wells  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Feb 2001
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The service began to a low-key roll of drums. It was a song of praise led by a well-rehearsed musical group.

It was an amazing service. I looked around and the age bracket was 20-35 on average. These people were obviously 'high-fliers'. My father, who is 86, and I, were two of the oldest people in the congregation.

We were taken through an informal liturgy which generated a sense of reverence. The hymns were contemporary and every now and then the odd hand would be raised in adoration, but there was nothing at all which offended my Reformed sensibilities. This was not a happy-clappy-fall-around-as-you-like charismatic service. On the contrary, I felt a profound sense of the presence of God.

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