Monthly column on hymns and songs

Christopher Idle  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 2001
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Here is another interesting hymn book! But first: Where today would a classic evangelical preach to congregations of up to 3,000 people? Some big holiday or conference event, perhaps; or would we need to travel abroad to find it?

The answer is, St Paul's Cathedral, London; the book, 'Sing to the Lord', where the Dean and Chapter have authorised 105 extra hymns to supplement their traditional sources. I am sorry I cannot commend the book to you - but only because this is a limited edition, not for sale. But what a sign of our times!

Five of the total are classics from bygone ages, including Wesley, Newton and Frank Houghton of CIM/OMF. That leaves a round 100 to check out. By my reckoning, at least 17 evangelical writers of our generation are represented by 59 hymns or more. They include non-Anglicans like Margaret Clarkson and the late Leith Samuel. My numbers err on the cautious side, since not all names are known to me, though their texts look sound enough!

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