Monthly column for youth leaders: bridging the generation gap

Steve Couch  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Nov 2000
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Have you ever tried to match people you know to characters from books or TV programmes? (Just me? Maybe I should get out more.)

The staff team of my church contains good matches for Dad's Army's Captain Mainwaring, Air Raid Warden Hodges and Private Pike (who is probably reading this - Hi, Tim). Rather worryingly, the prevailing view casts me as Walker, the cockney spiv. We have a Corporal Jones in the congregation as well. One of our older and longer standing members, a godly man, consistently finishes prayers and liturgy just after everyone else. With longer prayers, he has been known to lag a whole line behind on occasions.

Recently I discovered that this is no accident. Our friend is of the view that those leading prayers tend to go too fast, and for some time has led a one-man protest at this practice, by saying the prayers at the 'correct' pace, regardless of what the rest of the congregation is doing.

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