Politically active?

Colin Hart  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 2000
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I used to be a maths teacher in a comprehensive school. Back in 1987 when the government proposed a major Education Bill, I became involved in a campaign for Christian religious education and assemblies, with Baroness Caroline Cox.

Our campaign led to a change in the law so that RE became 'in the main Christian'. All this was while I was still a teacher. I know what it is to mark books until 10 o'clock at night and only then to start writing letters to politicians. Quite unexpectedly I ended up giving up my teaching job, and setting up the Christian Institute some ten years ago.

I remember Caroline Cox speaking to me about courage and standing up for what you believe. She said: 'Get your head all the way above the parapet - it's the safest way to be'. These remarks concerned the courage to speak out, but I am sure that they also apply to the Christian life generally.

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