Shaping London's future

Date posted:  1 May 2000
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While recognising they do not speak for all Londoners, Christian leaders in the capital have produced a 24-page vision statement, entitled Shaping London's Future, detailing the kind of city they want London to be.

Speaking at the launch, the Bishop of London, Richard Chartres said: 'Every week the Christian churches bring together hundreds of thousands of Londoners. Shaping London's Future is a citizen's-eye view of the values that we hope will be influencing the Mayor and the Assembly as they begin their work.'

On March 17, the Bishop told over 300 of the capital's evangelical church ministers that a new approach was needed for London: 'So many of our deepest problems cannot be solved simply by sacking the management, changing the educational curriculum and bringing out new resources, because so many problems arise from the level of relating. People find it hard to relate to one another and above all they find it very hard to relate to the author of life - God himself.'

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