Horizons of Hope

Brian Edwards  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2000
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Between them, Graham and Tessa can log over 100 years of experience of life from a wheelchair!

In that time they have overcome most of the obstacles to living a meaningful life. Their dogged determination and their keen sense of humour have turned what could have been disaster into a story of the triumph of faith over adversity. Brian Edwards, who was their pastor for 15 years, tells their story.

Saturday May 26 1973 was a perfect day for a wedding. The sun ruled in a cloudless late spring sky over the church. The bridegroom and his best man were there well before the 200 guests had arrived. The congregation settled into their seats and, in the usual subdued whispers, discussed and guessed at the bride's outfit. When she arrived, 30 minutes late and in a white Mercedes, she wore an attractive lilac dress. It would have been like any other wedding except for the fact that the bride and groom were severely disabled and confined to wheelchairs.

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