Monthly column for youth leaders: a millennium meditation

Steve Couch  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 2000
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You are sick of it, and your group probably are as well. The Millennium: it's been hyped at us until our ears have started to ring. Yes it's more than just an excuse to engage in a party, it's even more than a Robbie Williams song. But how do we get that across to our young people? I don't think we can blame them for disenchantment and apathy on this subject, but that doesn't mean that we simply shrug our shoulders and give up. Here's an idea for a Millennium meditation that might just help to refocus their thinking on the God who made it

all possible.

Give your group a potted history of the last 2,000 years. Your aim in selecting what to include is to show how God has worked throughout that time to work things together for the good of his people, the church. Wherever possible, take events that seem at first glance to be a disaster and show how God turned them round into good. Below are a few ideas of things to include, but they aren't exhaustive by any means. Please don't feel wedded to this selection, and if you don't feel up to the job of enlarging on them, your pastor (who has probably studied church history) may well be the best man to consult. The important thing is not to show off your knowledge, but to bring home to your young people that Jesus has been in control of events on earth for a long long time, and still is now. The more you can tailor your input to the concerns and interests of your group and your area, the better the reception it is likely to get.

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