More deeply into debt?

The Rev David Price  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Dec 1999
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'A global scandal', 'Enslaving the poor', 'Something must be done', 'We can do it': these are just a few of things being said about inter-national debt.

The prominence of the debt issue reflects both the severity of the problem and the success of Jubilee 2000 and other campaigns in moving it up the agenda in political and church circles. This concern for the world's poor is encouraging to see.

Christians should be concerned about debts and forgiveness. Both Old and New Testaments have a lot to say about stewardship, the importance of helping the poor and the need for forgiveness. Jesus taught us to forgive others and used financial debt as an illustration of our deeper, spiritual debt to God. Coupled with this, the Scriptures prompt us to right injustice and transform socio/economic structures where these are unjust.

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