Home education - a testimony

Steve Sherwood  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Oct 1999
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My wife Carol and I would like to share with you some of our experience as a home-educating family. No lifestyle is of real worth unless it puts God's word into practice (Matthew 7.21-27). We would ask readers to evaluate what we say by Scripture.

We were married in 1970 in our early 20s and, on returning from our honeymoon, we listened to some tapes from a recent conference dealing with marriage and family issues.

The speaker's theme was: 'Make sure that you base your marriage and family not on tradition (Christian peer pressure), not on pragmatism (what seems to work), but on Scripture'. This was a thrill to us because, as young Christians who had recently been baptised, we had been taught that those who trust God's Word will be blessed.

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