Knowing the Times

Martyn Lloyd-Jones  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 1999
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Doctor Lloyd-Jones's address to the Evangelical Alliance in 1966 is one of the landmarks of evangelicalism in the UK this century. In this his centenary year, we reprint one of its most striking sections, taken from Knowing the Times, published by The Banner of Truth.

Why are we as evangelicals thus divided? Why are we divided up among the main denominations?

I think if we are honest we will have to admit that most of us really do not know. It is an accident of birth. I was born a Baptist or and Anglican or a Congregationalist or a Methodist, or whatever it was, and, because I was born there, I stay there and I am prepared to fight for it. How often is that the case? I am arguing that for us to be divided- we who are agreed about everything that really matters - for us to be divided from one another in the main tenor of our lives and for the bulk of our time, is nothing but to be guilty of the sin of schism. And we really must face this most urgently.

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