Holy molars!

Mike Wakely  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 1999
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When I lived in Bombay several years ago, a rumour went around the city of a miraculous multiplying chapatti that had turned up on Juhu Beach to the north of the city.

The story received wide publicity in the newspapers and by word of mouth. Someone had been walking on the beach and found a chapatti - common Indian flat bread. When he picked it up, it amazingly divided into two, and then each of the two divided again. Pretty soon there were said to be millions of miracle chapattis.

I was reminded of this when I first read reports of the miracles of gold teeth fillings that people are said to be receiving in certain Christian meetings across Britain and America today. A friend told me he knew of more than a hundred people who had received gold fillings in one meeting. Each one was etched with a tiny cross.

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