The faith in France - any future?

Paul Wells  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Aug 1999
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France is traditionally a Roman Catholic country. At the end of the 20th century, religion has been marginalised. People are turning away from Catholicism by the score, but what are they looking for?

In today's France, materialism is much in evidence. At all levels of society, people want to move up and have more. However, it has fostered frustration and emptiness and also guilt. The poor are left on the outside. So on the French TV news, the plight of the homeless always figures during the winter months. But apart from that, compassion is by proxy.

The politics of guilt and pity have become prominent in French society and fill the coffers of charitable organisations. 'Les Restaurants du Coeur', set up by Coluche, a much appreciated comedian who was killed in a motorbike accident, provide meals for the homeless and the deprived during the winter. For such organisations, people dig into their pockets.

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