So you want to be a leader?

Alison Hull  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 1999
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Speaking at this year's Word Alive (Spring Harvest), at Weymouth, Roy Clements challenged the church to rethink its policy on choosing leaders.

In his address Roy said: 'God is looking for people who have learnt the crucial lesson of humility.' And he went on to warn those who seek leadership: 'Beware of selfish ambition.'

Focusing on Mark 10.35-45, Roy Clements pointed out that, all too often, Christians adopt the same models of leadership that operate in the world. 'Our insatiable appetite for self-esteem is the engine that drives countless workaholics . . . and some of us, even when we become Christians, do not learn any better. We bring that same egoistic ambitiousness into our spiritual lives too.'

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