What are we waiting for?

Date posted:  1 Jun 1999
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What are we waiting for?

Luis Palau, international evangelist from Argentina, was speaking at a series of mission meetings in north-west England in May. EN caught up with him, and heard some scorching comments on the lack of urgency in the British church.

EN: You have been visiting Britain since the 1970s and you are just starting another mission. What do you think of the state of the church?

LP: The church has improved since the 1970s. Some of the dreams of the post-war generation of evangelicals - to see theological colleges full of evangelicals, to see evangelical bishops in the Church of England - have become realities. It is also wonderful to see the media more open towards evangelicals and giving some respect. It is good to see Steve Chalke on secular morning TV. Local radio stations are taking us seriously. Now there is still a long way to go, but I can remember when there was nothing, or if evangelicals were mentioned it was only when there was some scandal.

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