Where is your faith?

Martyn Lloyd-Jones  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 1999
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Marking his centenary year, we reprint an extract from Dr. Lloyd-Jones's classic entitled Spiritual Depression. From Luke 8.22-25 he expounds Jesus' question to the disciples.

There are many Christians who get into difficulty because they clearly have not understood the nature of faith. 'Well', you may say, 'if they have not understood the nature of faith, how can they be Christians?' The answer is that what makes one a Christian is that one is given the gift of faith.

We are given the gift of faith by God through the Holy Spirit and we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and that saves us; nut that does not mean that we have fully understood the nature of faith. So it comes to pass that, while we may be truly Christian and genuinely saved, we may subsequently get into trouble with out spiritual experience because we have not understood what faith really is.

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