Has your church got a child protection policy?

Park Evangelical Church  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Dec 1998
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In the light of the Children Act of 1988 and the profile now given to child abuse in society, it is right and necessary for churches to produce a guideline child-protection statement for leaders in children's and youth work. Here we reprint one from Park Evangelical Church, Stoke-on-Trent, to help churches think through the issue.

Thank you for agreeing to work with children and young people in our church. We put a high value on all our work with children and young people. To ensure that this work is carried out in a way that is honouring to the Lord and in accordance with the Children Act of 1988, these guidelines have been produced. They are for the protection of both children and those who work among them.

Each worker with children and young people must know the 'basic guidelines for leaders' and undertake to observe them.

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