The Alpha collywobbles

Andrew Bryant  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Aug 1998
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Here's my problem. For some months, we have been anticipating launching an Alpha course in our church. Yes, we know that 'Alpha' has been developed by the rather avant garde Holy Trinity Brompton church. It's the place where the 'Toronto Blessing' hit town in 1994 and where people have been known to fall down, stay down and occasionally utter noises. We are also aware of radical negative polemic from some quarters. A talk entitled 'Alpha: A Different Gospel' was one that caught my eye but not my sympathy a few weeks ago.

Although we are not a Third Wave or charismatic church fellowship, we have not been especially known for hostility to this emphasis. I suppose I see myself as one of the 'cautiously open' people.

I had reasoned that, with some adaptation, Alpha would be ideal for our situation. The material is accessible, attractively presented, and proven. We had already sent the suggested £100 contribution towards the costs.

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