Does Reform need a reformation? (Bulldog for July)

Scribbler  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 1998
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I'm sat at my desk looking at the latest mailing from Reform, which has asked me to re-register my membership, and I'm asking myself the question: 'Should I?'

I joined Reform at the very beginning, thrilled, like many, that at last there was going to be some kind of organised resistance to the increasing apostasy of the Anglican hierarchy. And there have been high points and some successes to that resistance. Reform seemed to become the media spokesman for biblical Christianity at one stage when the issues were flying think and fast. Certainly Reform's existence has given heart to many who are striving to be faithful to the Word of God within the Anglican set up, but my questions is, after all the huffing and puffing and posturing-what has it actually achieved?

My fears were highlighted by the 5th anniversary broadsheet, which talked much about resistance, but seemed distinctly lacking on any positive achievements.

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