EN talked to Merrily Richie of DivorceCare, an initiative to train local churches to help people in marital trauma.
Q: When did you become a Christian?
A: I was nine years old when I realised that because of my sin I needed Jesus to be my Saviour. I don't remember much about this decision since it occurred more than 40 years ago. My pastor talked and prayed with me after a worship service in our Reformed Presbyterian church.
By God's grace I grew to know God better until my late 20s when I began a long rebellion time of almost ten years. During this time, my heart was cold towards the Lord. I went through two divorces and several other unhealthy relationships until I realised I was at the bottom of a pit of despair, not knowing right from wrong. The Holy Spirit had got my attention and was drawing me back on the tether he had had me on all the time. I had let him go, but he still had me securely in his hand.