Weighing up Polkinghorne

Philip Duce  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Mar 1997
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In 1979, John Polkinghorne resigned from the Chair of Mathematical Physics at Cambridge to train for the Anglican priesthood.

Since then, he has become well-known through his prolific writings which explore the positive relationship between science and Christian theology.

His books include The Way the World Is (Triangle, 1983, revised 1992); Science and Creation (SPCK, 1988) and Science and Providence (SPCK, 1989); Science and Christian Belief; Reason and Reality (SPCK, 1991); Quarks, Chaos and Christianity (SPCK, 1994). He has also written The Particle Play (Freeman, 1979), and Rochester Roundabout: The Story of High Energy Physics (Longman, 1989).

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